Dear SEIA Members:
Today, SEIA released Version 4.0 of our popular "Guide to Federal Tax Incentives for Solar Energy" to SEIA members only. The updated manual will help you navigate the new federal incentives for solar energy brought about by passage of the 8-year ITC extension in October and the solar provisions in the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including recently released agency guidance on the Treasury Grant Program, DOE Loan Guarantee, and Manufacturing Tax Credit. This will help you better advise your clients who want to install solar on their homes and businesses.
We are pleased to offer this guide as another great benefit available exclusively to SEIA members. Please do not redistribute this document in any form. SEIA members can download the full manual by logging into the Members-only section of SEIA’s web site. When you log in to SEIA’s site (in the upper right-hand corner) remember that your email address is your username. If you are logging in for the first time, follow the process to "Reset Your Password" to set your password up. The password to access the tax manual is right above the document link.
You may refer clients and colleagues to the Table of Contents who are interested in the manual but are not yet SEIA members. While this document will serve as an excellent resource, it is important to note that SEIA does not offer tax counsel. We strongly encourage you to consult a local tax attorney in addition to using this guide.
I am sure you will find the "Guide to Federal Tax Incentives for Solar Energy" a valuable resource for your company and your clients.
Best Regards,
Rhone Resch
SEIA President and CEO